Xi'an : Cultural capital of China.

Xi’an is one of the oldest cities in China and the capital of Shaanxi province. The city is the starting point of the Silk Road. In 221 BC when

the Qin Emperor unified China, Xi’an was its ancient capital.

The Prosperity and Brilliance of Chang'an

During the Western Han Dynasty, Chang'an, as the capital city, was the political, economic, and cultural center of the entire country, and

was also the first large-scale and populous city in Chinese history. After the opening of the Silk Road, Chang'an became the center of

Eastern civilization, known as "Rome in the West, Chang'an in the East."During the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was one of the largest cities

in the world with a population of one million. It was also one of the most prosperous cities, with numerous palaces, temples, gardens,

and markets that attracted merchants, scholars, and travelers from all over the world. The prosperity of Chang'an left a vivid mark in

Chinese history.

It's worth mentioning that there is a very attractive and beautiful night view here.For example, Xi'an Datang Furong Garden is a large

commercial complex integrating tourism, shopping, food, and entertainment. Here, you can not only experience the charm of Chinese

traditional culture, but also feel the convenience and creativity of a modern city. In addition to the historical and cultural heritage, Xi'an

Datang Furong Garden also has many modern buildings and facilities, such as shopping centers, cinemas, amusement parks, restaurants,

and so on. Whether you come to experience the historical heritage of Chinese culture or to enjoy the prosperity and convenience of

modern cities, here will give you a different experience.

Rich cultural heritage

Xi'an has a rich cultural and historical heritage, with the most famous being the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

In addition, Xi'an is also a representative of ancient Chinese architecture and culture, with important cultural heritage sites such as the Great

Wild Goose Pagoda, the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Daming Palace ruins. Furthermore, Xi'an is also a city of gastronomy, with many

famous local snacks and specialties such as roujiamo, liangpi, and yangrou paomo, attracting many tourists to taste them.

Modern city

Xi'an is also a modern city with modern commercial districts and high-tech parks. At the same time, it is also an educational city with

numerous famous universities and research institutions, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University and Xi'an University of Electronic Science and

Technology. These universities and research institutions have trained many outstanding scientists and engineers, making important

contributions to China's modernization. Therefore, Xi'an is not only a city with a long history and culture, but also a vibrant and innovative

modern city.

Living in Xi'an

Xi'an is a vibrant city with plenty of things to do. You can relax and have fun at many parks and scenic spots like Qujiang Pool, Tang Paradise,

and Huaqing Pool. If you like shopping, you'll love Xi'an's commercial districts and shopping centers like Huimin Street, Weiyang Road, and

the surrounding area of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

And if you're a foodie, Xi'an is the place to be! You'll find many famous local snacks and specialty dishes like Roujiamo, Liangpi, and

Yangrou Pao Mo, which are popular with both locals and tourists.