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Support your Students journey

Further the success of your students by providing them with the most opportunities in China. With Apply for China, students enjoy a direct and smooth process to fulfil their dreams of studying abroad.

Our Benefits

Access best Education

Discover the best schools and programs in China.

Save resources

Direct and easy Application help you save resources.

One-Click Application

Students only need to create a profile and use it to apply to as many schools and programs as they wish.

Expert help

A dedicated and experienced team that supports you and your students' journey at every step of the way.

All in one platform

Apply and manage everything related to your Application on one platform.

Discounts and Rewards

Receive commissions, bonuses and discounts to boost your business.

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How it works

Our Plattform helps your students to find and apply to their dream programs in China. From Applying, Visa and Arrival, everything is done from one central platform.

Our Impact


Students Helped


Acceptance Rate


School Partnerships

Access to top Education

Apply for China has established partnerships with institutions all around China.

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Connecting People and Cultures