
Beijing Foreign Studies University, or the BFSU, is a prestigious university in China and under the direct management of the State Ministry of Education. As the first foreign language university and offering the most language programs in the country, it excels in the teaching and studying of foreign languages, foreign literature, overseas sinology, and also serves as an importa..

programs summary

Program Description
The Business Administration Program went through a rigorous review and was officially approved by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on May 6th, 2019.
The Business Administration Program will be starting its first cohort in 2020, with specialized concentrations in two areas: international finance and global digital innovation.
At its core, the Program is specifically and uniquely designed to develop superior management practitioners who would find themselves navigating seamlessly in a dynamic, multilingual and multicultural business environment. A small-scale education model will be adopted throughout the program, with an expected total number of 35 students.
Niu Huayong, dean of the International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, will be the head master of the first semester of the 2020 Program.

The Objectives of the Program include:
Developing global entrepreneurs’ understanding of Chinese business practices;
Adapting Chinese entrepreneurs’ to the global economic conditions; and
Equipping managers and entrepreneurs with outstanding cross-cultural management expertise in the context of technological advances and diverse cultures.

Unique Features
1.A flexible combination of compulsory and elective Courses
2.Language and Communication Skills
(1) Courses directed at English proficiency
(2) Second foreign languages courses available: French and Spanish
(3) Enhancing cross-cultural communication and management skills with a mix of Chinese and international students taking courses together
(4) Group projects in diverse forms
(5) Exchange programs with renowned universities worldwide

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Program level:
4-Year Bachelor's Degree
Application fee:
¥800.00 RMB
¥39900.00 RMB/year
Cost of Living:
¥25000.00 RMB/year
Application start time: Application deadline: Status: