
The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), founded in 1917, is a top-ranked, world-renowned finance- and economics-oriented research university located in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China. The university is under the Ministry of Education's direct administration of the People's Republic of China and is am..

programs summary

The 3-year doctoral program in Economic Law, offered by the School of Law, is directed at students who wish to pursue advanced studies in economic law. It helps to lay a solid foundation of basic theories and research methods of law and finance, ensures the students to be able to think independently and creatively, conduct research and do practical work independently.


The PhD program offers the opportunity to undertake advanced legal research, excellent training and work under the supervision of leading scholars. Instruction includes lectures, in-class workshop, collective tutorials, individual tutorials, etc. It grants emerging scholars an opportunity to contribute to the development of law as an academic field, and it provides an alternate pathway into law professionals in economic law in private or public sectors.


The anticipated course of study toward the Ph.D. degree in Economic Law is three academic years. In their first two semesters, Ph.D. students will enroll in courses designed to help them acquire the theories and research skills needed to complete a dissertation in their field of interest and to prepare them for qualifying examinations that test the depth and breadth of the literacies and skills they have acquired. During their second year, students will prepare a dissertation proposal and begin work on a dissertation.

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Program level:
2 -years Postgraduate Certificate / 2-years Master's Degree
Humanities, Law, Social Science
Application fee:
¥1660.00 RMB
¥50000.00 RMB/year
Cost of Living:
¥25000.00 RMB/year
Application start time: Application deadline: Status: