
The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), founded in 1917, is a top-ranked, world-renowned finance- and economics-oriented research university located in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China. The university is under the Ministry of Education's direct administration of the People's Republic of China and is am..

programs summary

The LL.M. (Master of Laws) program is a two-year degree program offered by the School of Law of SUFE. The program is attracting intellectually curious and thoughtful candidates from a variety of cultural backgrounds and with various career plans. The diversity of the participants in the LL.M. program contributes significantly to the educational experience of all students at the School. The international students have the chance to study and live alongside Chinese students, making strong personal and professional relationship that will help in their future lives and careers.


The LL.M. program is rich in courses emphasizing transnational law and practice, Chinese and western law and legal traditions, and cutting-edge courses designed to equip graduates of all nationalities for law practice and leadership in advanced economies. The program will lay a solid foundation of legal theories, law principles, and professional knowledge of economic law, civil & commercial law. Meanwhile, it focuses on practical training in observing, analyzing, and studying legal issues, which cultivates competent professionals in economic law, civil and commercial law, and other related fields upon graduation. LL.M. graduates will go on to distinguished careers in private or public sector, public interest legal work, and legal academia around the world.

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Program level:
2 -years Postgraduate Certificate / 2-years Master's Degree
Humanities, Law, Social Science
Application fee:
¥1660.00 RMB
¥70000.00 RMB/year
Cost of Living:
¥25000.00 RMB/year
Application start time: Application deadline: Status: